Example Membership is site for read & watch several contents, user can subscribe plan and generating payment gateway to njoy read and watch an article & videos.
Example Membership is site for read & watch several contents, user can subscribe plan and generating payment gateway to njoy read and watch an article & videos.
Sobat Sehat app is a health news and information website designed to bridge health contributors with opportunities to participate in creating events or activities beneficial to the community.
REST API for movie sites build with Nest JS, Prisma, PostgreSQL, & Swagger UI.
My personal site for my portfolio as software engineer integrated with GitHub API. Built using next js, react js, and tailwind, includes others dependencies.
Laptop damage identification with forwad chaining
This project for Final Exam of Front-end Engineer, developing front-end application and implementing concept as Developer.
Final exams project Laravel MLBB Information at STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri. Contains: Admin CRUD with UI, Landing Page and others for visitors, Authentication and Authority Role. Implements: Seeder, Migration, Collection, Eloquent, ORM for integrated with DB MySQL.
My repo for exercising react context, custom hooks, and redux toolkit
Project React from Dicoding
Repo `REST API` for final exam task activity college
M-Store Commerce built with PHP. contain Landing Page and Admin CRUD.
this repo for UAS and others.
This repo Laravel REST API for task activity college at STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri.
This repo for project UTS and other
Project mid exam build Laravel REST-API for data patient covid
My first repo to learn library react js : CSR, routes, hooks, state, state management with redux and useContext, and fetching data API using axios.
Repository for activity college at STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri.
Repository for activity college at STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri. Introduction to learn Laravel.